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About Future Light Orphanage

The first seeds of the partnership between eGlobal Family and Future Light Orphanage (FLO) were planted in the year 2000 when Rob Hail first visited FLO and met founder and director Phaly Nuon and the children of the orphanage. At that time there were fewer than one hundred children living there, in an environment that was safe and loving yet which could provide only the bare minimum of resources. All of the children slept side by side on the floor in two rooms; two meager meals were provided per day along with very basic education.

This all began to change as the children were matched over the years with eFoster Parents who, along with other generous donors, furnished these children with emotional and financial support. Today there are over 200 children living at FLO, and another 150 children from the nearby village who come to FLO each day to receive supplemental education. The orphanage "campus" now includes a four-room schoolhouse, a library, and separate boys' and girls' dorms. The children receive three meals per day and have access to adequate medical and dental care. There are now over 40 FLO children attending university or other post-secondary institutions.

Over the years, eFoster Parents and their Foster Children have developed extremely close bonds. Many Foster Parents have visited and volunteered at the orphanage, a life-changing experience for both the children and their sponsors. Nearly all of the FLO children have been matched with loving eFoster Parents and exchange emails and photos with them regularly. The relationships that have blossomed between the kids and their foster families have been transformative for all involved.

For more information about Cambodia, click here.

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