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Connecting Caring People With Children In Need
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Donate Via Credit Card

Use your PayPal account to make a donation.

(If you would like to donate in monthly installments, be sure to select the option 'Make This Recurring (Monthly)' when making the donation)

Donate Via Check

Or you can mail us a check at:

eGlobal Family
PO Box 2536
Honolulu, HI 96804-2536

(808) 260-9938

Donate Via Online Shopping

Via AmazonSmile and Giving Assistant, you have the option to donate a small portion of your eligible purchases to eGlobal Family (at no extra cost to you!). Follow the link below to designate eGlobal Family as your AmazonSmile/Giving Assistant charity of choice!

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FLO girl eating lunch

Healthy meals and clean water are some of the basic needs that your support will help fund at our partner orphanages.
